Monday, January 5, 2009

A Wilson Family Christmas

Christmas is over and everyone is back at work or school - thank goodness for that! We did have a last minute scare when our cul-de-sac was coated with snow last night. The kids were decidely more excited about that than we were. We had a great break with 5 Thompson/Nakanishis visiting, 2 Thompsons, and 4 Atkinsons all over at our home at some point during the 2 week period. We welcomed the New Year with a with Cade and Gabby at the stroke of midnight. Mom and Dad were very tired the next day. So were Cade and Gabby. We had a massive amount of food - hello holiday 10lb! (Highlights included Stollen - which most of Crystal's family stayed away from so as to not incur my wrath - cookies, eclairs, multiple bread products, cheese log, boursin & brie, beefstick, multiple bacon inspired products, and a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings). We did some sledding and snow shoveling. We played lots of "Cooties" and lots of Stratego and Gabby put on a LOT of makeup.

Cade was also baptized this past weekend and we really appreciate everyone coming to see us.

Pictures and more details on Cade's baptism are forthcoming . . .

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